SkyDive Dubai | 13 October 2016

I could stoic it out. 


Awareness of ignorance.

Attention bit = Pure Attention/Time Span

Learning is a process in which we put a certain number of attention bits on and around an object of interest until it becomes a subject to start with. Once it becomes a subject, further attention bits starts a feeling inside us of knowing about the object. The knowing leads to an understanding. The understanding can lead to a mastery of the subject. The mastery leads to oneness. The process comes around when further attention bits on the oneness leads to a state of knowing "not knowing." A moment of bliss. This state according to me is the goal. An awareness of nothingness. 

Now I know I did not have to go out and gather what I now know but if I knew what I now know then I know I would not have started. I also know that if I know now what I will come to know further I might not enjoy the journey. The journey is the whole thing. It is like a movie which we would like to predict and to an extent can predict but would not like anyone else to predict it for us. Our own ability to predict the journey is enjoyable if we are engaged in the storytelling. When the story unfolds according to the predictions, we experience the oneness with the individual characters, making the whole thing enjoyable.

Enjoy the predictable journey of life. 

"blue dot"

The blue dot is bigger than me.

Everything that happens in life is a Fluke, but the effort lies in creating circumstances where the Fluke can happen.

“Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who Is the Fairest of Them All?”

A mirror allows one to see a reflection of a problem if any, the action needed to delineate and encircle it , a course to resolve, and a confirmation once it has been. My only prayer should be to be able to see a reflection in the life surrounding me, to have the patience to maintain the understanding of the fact that everything around is at best a mirror-image, and that it is not me.

I fight the darkness no more. I rather switch on the light.

A pinch of nothing.

Add nothing to anything and it adds nothing to anything.

Asking is effort. Snatching is effort. Taking is effortless. Take all you want it is all yours. Knowing it will be enough to keep you rightful.

Nothing does not take time or space.

The gap says it all. If the gap between the response and the silence is a life time, bad life. If it is instant, it is only good. Magic happens when it is retrospective. The silence preceding the response is perfection. Silence would make a better response.

We are not punished for our thoughts.....we are punished by our thoughts.